
For tailor made programs to suit your organizations’ specific need, choose from a combination of our modules listed below:
- Importance of good manners
- A Personal Image Audit!
- Positive first impressions
♦ Dress codes-formal/casual
♦ Personal hygiene & grooming
♦ Body language/Eye contact
- Meeting & Greeting
♦ Positive Introductions
♦ Protocols for introducing
♦ Handshaking customs & techniques
♦ Kiss, bow, and hug greetings
♦ Business card etiquette
♦ Rank & Status
♦ Titles & Forms of address
♦ Business Gift giving
- Conversational Skills
♦ Starting a polite conversation
♦ Conversational faux pas
♦ Conversation rescuers
♦ Successful mingling
- Social Events, Restaurant & Dining Skills- Mastering Table Manners
♦ Dressing for occasions
♦ Host Duties & Guest Responsibilities
♦ Place Seating
♦ Posture & Poise
♦ Table Manners
♦ Managing basic to formal dining
♦ Proper flatware usage-Tools of the table
♦ Business meals at restaurants
♦ Eating certain foods
♦ Napkins
♦ American & Continental styles
♦ Attending banquets
♦ Toasting-hosts & master of ceremonies responsibilities
♦ Cocktail & Wine etiquette
♦ Dining Conversations
♦ Tipping Guidelines
♦ Managing Dining Mishaps
- Moving gracefully in business:
♦ Telephone Skills & Manners!
♦ Speaking & listening on phone
♦ Handling Answering machines, Fax, Voice mail etc
♦ Office Etiquette
♦ Hosting/Handling visitors
♦ Respecting gender & physical differences
- The ‘Write’ Communication
♦ Business Correspondence: Business Letters/Memos
♦ Forms of Address
♦ Other Formal Correspondence: Invitations,
♦ Thank you notes, Announcements, etc
♦ E-Mail Etiquette
- At Conferences, Trade Shows & Special Events
♦ Networking & Mingling
♦ When you represent your company
♦ Name Tag Etiquette
♦ Situations when you are Planner or Attendee
- Meeting Manners
♦ Planning a meeting
♦ Seating guidelines
♦ As Chairperson
♦ As Participant
- When Overseas!
♦ Understanding & respecting foreign etiquette/attitudes
♦ Avoiding faux pas
- Understanding Self & Others’ behavior- Adapting to styles & building rapport
- Building your Personal Brand Identity

- Creating Great first impressions
- Personal Grooming & Dressing
- Moving around gracefully
- Good manners
- Making good introductions
- Greetings & Introduction protocols
- Titles & Forms of Address
- Shaking hands with confidence
- Initiating conversations
- Proper Table Manners & Dining Skills
- Telephone Skills
- Displaying a Professional Image with style & elegance
- Charting a Career Path
- Handling Interviews
- Understanding Self & Others’ behavior
- Adapting to styles & building rapport
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